
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 01:27:21


These are two DVDs, one lasts for 3 minutes while the other 2 minutes. The image contents include: one is about a blind kid reading books, and the other is someone asking passers-by constantly the time.

This is two DVD??!
都two了你还this is,老大,你能不能别这么低级?

there are two DVDs, one of 3 minutes, another of 2 . The phantom includes: one reads for the blind child, while another for unceasing asking the time to the passengers.

This is two DVD, one is 3 minutes, another is 2 minutes. The phantom content studies including one for the blind child, another for unceasing asks the way the person time

Here are two pieces of DVD,one being 3 minutes long,the other 2 minutes.The content discribes a blind child reading and a peson consistently asking passerbys the time.

This is a two DVD, one for three minutes, and the other for two minutes. Video content, including a school for blind and the other for continuing asked passers-time.