
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 11:49:24
由上述可见,针对协议、系统及数据库等,无论是其本身的设计缺陷,还是由于人为因素造成的各种漏洞,都可能被一些另有图谋的黑客利用进行网络攻击,建立一个防火墙是十分必要的. 防火墙是由网络管理人员为保护自己的网络免遭外界非授权访问但又允许与Internet 连接而发展起来的. 它主要包括包过滤状态检测电路层网关代理服务等. 前3 种主要应用在网络层,后两种在应用层, 由于包过滤路由器是一种常用防火墙机制. 所以就有必要介绍过滤路由器. 以及简述过滤路由器的工作流程.因此要保证网络信息的安全,必须熟知黑客网络攻击的一般过程,在此基础上才能制定防范策略,确保网络安全。

With the development of computer networks, network open, shared, the degree of interconnection grow accordingly. Internet penetration in particular, makes commercial digital currency, Internet banking and other new business network to the rapid rise of network security issues become increasingly important. At present the network insecurity is a major factor in the agreement, systems and databases, such as the design is defective. Interconnection general use TCP / IP protocol, it is a cluster of industry-standard agreement, but the agreement cluster in the formulation of the beginning of the security problems and do not consider too much agreement there are many security flaws. The operating system, due to the current use of the computer network operating system in its structural design and code design emphasis on considering the convenience of the system, resulting in a system in the remote access, access control and password management and security, and so there are