
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 05:38:38
本系统的开发背景为:温度是一个非常重要的物理量,因为它直接影响燃烧、化学反应、发酵、烘烤、煅烧、蒸馏、浓度、挤压成形、结晶以及空气流动等物理和化学过程。温度控制失误就可能引起生产安全、产品质量、产品产量等一系列问题。因此对温度的采集的意义就越来越大。温度采集控制系统在工业生产、科学研究和人们的生活领域中,得到了广泛应用。本系统是以 SPCE061A 为核心,前向通道包括 DS18B20 传感器输 入电路,按键输入电路;后向通道包括:LED 显示电路和语音输出电路。实现了对两路温度进行实时采集;温度通过数码管显示,分手动和自动两种方式:自动状态循环显示各通道温度,每隔 2s 切换一个通道;手动方式下只显示被选择的通道温度;还为每一个通道设置独立的报警温度。

Chinese Summary
The system of background: Temperature is a very important physical quantities, because it has a direct impact on combustion, chemical reactions, fermentation, baking, calcination, distillation, concentration, extrusion forming, crystal and air flow, and other physical and chemical processes. Temperature control may cause errors on production safety, product quality, product output, and so on a range of issues. So the temperature on the significance of the collection growing. Temperature control system in the collection of industrial production, scientific research and people's lives in the area, has been widely used. The system is SPCE061A as the core, the former DS18B20 including access to the sensor input circuit, key input circuit; after the channel include: LED display circuit and voice output circuit. To achieve the two-way real-time temperature acquisition; through digital temperature control, the manual and automatic two ways: automatic cycle showed