
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:02:44
摘 要

任何事物的发展都不是孤立的 ,而是相辅相成的、互相借鉴、相互融合、共同提高和发展的。在媒体融合中,面对激烈的竞争环境,各个媒体都在学习其它媒体的优点。近年来,时尚类期刊以其迅猛之势席卷而来,固然有其风行的时代特征,但其成功的运作经验也是不可忽视的,它给电视节目的制作及运营带来很多启示。电视节目应该结合自身特点 ,借鉴其成功经验来弥补自身的不足,从而提升电视节目的竞争优势。据此提出这样一个课题,希望通过本文的研究,为探索和寻找电视节目新的发展方向带来一定的现实意义。论文主要内容包括以下三个部分:一、在参考文献的基础上分别对“时尚”和“时尚期刊”做出界定,回顾时尚类期刊的国内外发展概况。二、分析时尚类期刊的竞争优势和其在市场定位、品牌塑造、营销策略、资本运作等方面独特的卖点。三、结合电视媒体的特点和实际情况加以实践和研究,阐述应如何把这些成功经验引入到电视节目的制作和运营的各环节中。




Nothing development is not isolated, but rather complementary to each other, learn from each other and integration, and enhance common development. Integration in the media in the face of fierce competition, in various media are learning the advantages of other media. In recent years, with its rapid fashion Journals swept from the potential, of course, has its popular characteristics of the times, but its success is also the operational experience can not be ignored, to the television programme production and operations bring a lot of inspiration. TV programs should combine its own characteristics and draw on their successful experience to make up for their deficiencies, so as to enhance the competitive advantage of television programmes. Accordingly such a topic, and hope that through this study, to explore and find new TV shows the direction of development of a certain practical significance. Papers main contents include the follow