
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:55:43
三维设计是指在三维空间中绘制出生动形象的三维立体图形,现实生活中,我们见到的形形色色的室内三维设计展,这次主要是设计“多功能会议室”的三维图形,通过二维图形创建三维图形、高级建模基础、材质与贴图、灯光、摄像机、场景渲染等几个过程,整理后期工作将会用“Premiere Pro视频编辑”与“photoshop”图片合成

关键字:建模 渲染 视频编辑

The three dimensional design is refers to the three-dimensional space draws up the vivid image the three dimensional solid figure, in the real life, we saw the indoor three dimensional design exhibition of all forms, this time is mainly the design “the multi-purpose conference rooms” the three dimensional graph, founds the three dimensional graph, the high-level modelling foundation, the material quality through the two-dimensional graph and pastes the chart, the light, the camera, the scene exaggeration and so on several processes, will reorganize later period works will use “Premiere the Pro video frequency edition” and “photoshop” the picture synthesizes

3D design means that the three-dimensional rendering of a vivid image of the three-dimensional graphics, in real life, we see all kinds of indoor 3D design exhibition, this is mainly designed "multi-purpose conference room," 3-D graphics, through the two-dimensional Graphics to create 3D graphics, a