
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 06:10:53
A pastor I know of uses a standard liturgy for funerals. To personalize each service, he enters a “find and replace” command into his word processor. The computer then finds the name of the deceased from the previous funeral and replaces it with the name of the deceased for the upcoming one.
Not long ago, the pastor told the computer to find the name “Mary” and replace it with “Edna.” The next morning, the funeral was going smoothly until the congregation intoned the Apostles’ Creed. “Jesus Christ,” they read from the preprinted program, “born of the Virgin Edna.”

据我所知,一名牧师使用标准为丧葬礼仪。每个服务个性化,他进入了一个“查找和替换”命令到他的字处理器。然后计算机在里面找到的死者名称从以前的葬礼,并取代它的名称,死者为即将到来的一个 。
前不久,牧师告诉计算机要查找的名字“玛丽” ,取代它的“特性” 。第二天早上,葬礼顺利进行,直到聚集使徒'的信条。 “耶稣基督” ,他们读出预先印制计划“ ,美属维尔京埃德娜所生” 。