
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 01:31:06
随着“砰”的一声惊天动地的枪声,运动员像离弦的箭一样冲出了起跑线,“加油……”的声音震动了世界。不好,中国运动员3号被抛在后头了。哎呀3号,快点。观众席上的我捏了一把汗,还好,3号仍然努力向前奔跑20步、15步、10步……快点 ,你就可以超越前面的选手了。胜利的曙光在向你招手!3号了不起,现在3号超过了第4名,3号是第三名!这会儿,场上欢呼了起来!在这1500米的长跑比赛上,还有400米,场上在欢呼加油,选手个个都像一匹骏马。在奔驰,还有200米,风儿都停在那儿不动,看着几号会胜利。选手们个个都知道不能为祖国丢脸,选手们都拼命的跑着,再看4号是第一名,别的选手不甘示弱,他们咬着牙,跨着大步,向前飞奔,都像超过对手,“啊……。”3号运动员叫了一声,这时的他,多疯狂,多令人惊讶。呀,3号终于超过4号了,把4号打败了,3号胜利了,我无比的高兴。

Everybody knows that capital -- Peking of 29 Olympic game at we great motherland holds, I believes the many people will be happy for this matter.Connect the IOC the chairman the 萨 horse 兰 the strange all saying:" the Peking 申 do the Olympics success to have displayed to world the greatness of this city.If Peking with now of flat-out develop, we will face to come to a successful Olympic game".
I much want to let time becomes to be quick, letting me going up to the Olympic game.That let me becoming a the pedestal can let time fly the quickly past robot!A the effort that wink flew to 29 farmlands of Olympic game path field is last.
Along with an earth-shaking gun an arrows for, athlete resembling leaving 弦 of the " bang" similar rushes out to rise to run the line," encourage the …… " of the voice vibrated the world.Not good, the Chinese athlete No.3 were thrown behind.Oh 3 number, hurry.My 捏 of the audience at table on working hard sweat, O.K.,