
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 02:47:20
中国诗歌起源早,发展快,而且从中国诗歌的早期作品中我门便能找到年轻男女互抒情怀的诗句。如《关雎》便开门见山的道出了男子对窈窕淑女的恋慕与追求。再如《邶风·静女》,其描述的是一对青年男女在城隅约会时的情景,并通过那姑娘“爱而不见”致使小伙子“搔首踟蹰”的细节表现了他们爱情生活的甜蜜。有如《诗三百》,不仅写男子对女子的爱慕 ,而且还常有女子对男子的爱恋。《标有梅》便是以梅子的黄落比喻青春消逝,年华迟暮,表达了一个姑娘渴望及时成婚的心情。但随着中国进入封建社会,伦理文化不断兴起,诗歌受到中国传统道德文化三纲五常等伦理观念的束缚,和“发乎情,止乎礼”的中和原则以及“诗需言志”等传统思想文化的压制,这种女性直抒胸臆,热情奔放的倾吐和声音就渐渐减弱了,甚至有的时期是一片沉寂。

Poetry is the crystallization and the highest reflection of national culture, also it is the result of which the sedimentary and the accretion of the time and history culture. The languages of Chinese poetry are concise; the ideal conditions of Chinese poetry are exquisite. In the Western, poetry is known for the warm and bold language and its sincere emotion. From the comparison we can easily see, that Chinese and West poetry are quite different, and the basic difference comes from the different cultural atmosphere and different cultural background.Traditional virtues culture
Some western comparative Literature researchers have pointed out: “Different nationality's literature will present the same phenomenon in the parallel development's process” This kind of phenomenon has always been reflected in the literary work during the past time. Despite there are different cultural inside stories between Chinese poetry and western poetry, from which we can still find some sim