中文翻译成英文 万分感谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 17:10:55
功夫熊猫是一部动昼制作的一部笑片,在美国出产於香港同时上映! 我看过这电影两次,但是我还想看第三次! 看过以后才知道,其实拍的还不赖哩,题材也不错,人物,动作也满生动的!我最爱看那一只熊猫”阿宝”了,尤其是他在玩训练功夫的时候,宗师引用食物来刺激啊宝的功夫潜能,真不知道是在为了食物,还是为了练功夫.表情加上粤语配音超好笑~~~呵呵! 让我以为整部电影都是这样嘻嘻哈哈的,结果原来不是,有的情节还真的有点感动人心,就是乌龟长老死时的对话及宗师教小时可爱的大豹,这都是温馨的场面! 感人的场面是宗师要清理门户的时候和魔头大豹对战时,突然想起小时的可爱大豹,不忍出手这一眼,真的可另人眼水汪汪! 结局就等你们自己睇啦!

Fresh lazy to do good Panda A Bao has been interest in Chinese martial arts, a Wudawuzhuang has been identified as the legendary master of the Wulin "Dragon fighters", was ordered to deal with the Motou just escape the leopard! Master Shi Fu Masters generation have to face the greatest challenges of life - how urgent the time, will have a luxury buttocks, Kirin arm, pig meat Nan, You Wu Wu Di play in the giant panda, training to become Mingzhen Quack kung fu master!
Kung Fu Panda is a dynamic day produced a laugh films, produced in the United States at the Hong Kong exhibition at the same time! I have seen this film twice, but I also want to see the third time! Seen after that, in fact, make the Hai Bulai miles , The subject is not bad, characters, action is also full of vivid and I love Kanna a Panda "A Bao", particularly in his efforts on training when the master used to stimulate food ah-skill potential, I really do not In order to know the food, or to p