
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:34:35
要写的英语作文内容是:昨天下午放学的时候,peter没有带雨伞,只好淋雨跑回家,回家后都淋湿了。结果今天一早就感觉头疼,而且发烧。peter去看医生,医生问他生病的原因和症状。假如你是peter,请你描述一下。70词左右。 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢~~~~~~~~

At the moment when school was over yesterday, it was raining heavily. Peter had no umbrella with him, thus he ran home in the rain. He was wet all over when he reached home. As a result, he got a headache this morning and a fever as well. Peter went to see the doctor. The doctor asked: What happened? Peter said, I got wet all over yesterday afternoon. The doctor asked:How do you feel? Peter: I feel a bad headache and maybe I've got a fever.
The doctor said, let me measure your temperature and write out a prescription for you. Peter said, thank you doctor.