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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 13:48:54
Remembering 9/11, Seven Years Later
On the eve of the seventh anniversary (周年纪念) of the 9/11 attacks, New Yorkers were invited to sign steel beams (钢柱) that would be used to build a national memorial (纪念馆). [在“9·11”七周年纪念日前夕,纽约市民受邀参加钢柱签名活动。这些钢柱未来将成为世贸遗址纪念馆整体建筑的一部分。]
Close to Ground Zero (= where the World Trade towers once stood世贸中心遗址), the two 37-foot steel beams are on display for people to sign. Not only victims’families came to sign, but also the mayor (市长) of New York.
“September 11, 2001, was the day our world was broken,”said the mayor.
Over the past year, several other construction beams (建筑钢柱) have travelled to 25 cities across the USA. Tens of thousands of people have written their thoughts about 9/11 on them. In the future, those beams will also be at the memorial.
Hopefully the memorial will be completed in 2011. That will be the 10th anniversary of the terrible disaster (灾难).



Remembering 9/11, Seven Years Later

On the eve of the seventh anniversary (周年纪念) of the 9/11 attacks, New Yorkers were invited to sign steel beams (钢柱) that would be used to build a national memorial (纪念馆).


Close to Ground Zero (= where the World Trade towers once stood世贸中心遗址), the two 37-foot steel beams are on display for people to sign. Not only victims’families came to sign, but also the mayor (市长) of New York.

在零地带旁,两根37英尺长的钢柱正竖立在那儿供人们参观。 不仅是遇难者家属,纽约市市长也加入了参观的行列。

“September 11, 2001, was the day our world was broken,”said the mayor.
