汉译英 高手进机器就免了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 12:13:06
亲爱的 我知道 你向往着美好的家庭 但是内心却又恐惧婚姻 我理解你的心情 你之前的那些女朋友 曾经因为结婚的事 和你闹矛盾 她们离开了你 我不会因为你害怕结婚就离开你 相反 我会一直陪伴你 帮助你走出这个心理的泥潭
如果你愿意认识我 我就马上买机票 到你那里去 我会像朋友一样的陪伴你 开导你 永远不离开你 我们见个面吧!你愿意认识我吗?
tmd有病啊 人家的事你不了解 你瞎说什么啊 脑子进尿了!

my love.I know you long for a happy family,but fear is alive with your heart. I can understand how you feel. Those female friends got away from you because of the conflicts resulting from marriage.I will not leave you with the reason that you are afraid of marriage.On the contrary,I will be here with you and help you get out of this fear.
if you are willing to meet me,I will fly to you immediately.I will accompany you and help you like a friend,and I will never run away from you.

let's have a meeting.Do you want to meet me?

Dear I know that you yearn for the good of the family it innermost fear of marriage, but I understand your feelings before you have a girlfriend who married because of the things you trouble and they left you because you are afraid I will not marry you to leave On the contrary, I will always accompany you to help you out of the quagmire of mental
If you know me I am willing to buy air tickets to you soon and I will go there as a