
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 06:22:27
时间如梭,转眼间来到基地已经八个月了。 人的一生中会有许多经历,或平坦顺畅;或大有作为,或庸碌无为;在这个多彩多姿的世界上,每个人都有自己值得珍惜的历史. 对我来说,这几个月的基地学习,是我尼足珍贵的财富。
学兵的经历磨练了我的意志, 它虽然艰苦,但它成为我人生路上的铺垫,是我一生的骄傲,它会在我浮浅飘摇的时候提醒我曾经历过的那段真实,厚重的岁月,生命里便有了情不自禁的深沉和勇气. 有了这几个月的经历,我有了大度达观,有了不卑不亢,悲喜有节.而这种高尚的心理品德,使得我自尊自爱,即使遇上阳光灿烂的日子,也不会忘记过去;即使走上坎坷之路,也不会从此沉沦.
没有纪律就没有胜利”、“没有纪律就没有军队”,这是古今中外的共识。学兵的经历让我更加深刻的体会到军队纪律的意义。要成为一 个守纪的好战士,首先就必须知道什么该做,什么不该做,应该严守纪律,服从命令。并且要求集中统一,正规有序,更要有良好的作风纪律。在内务,着装,军队军容方面,我也学会了严格要求自己,争做积极份子。在这里,我不仅锻炼了身体,磨练了意志,并且学到了科技前沿的通信技术。让我自身有了思想和认识上的提高。在这里,我积极搞好和战友的关系,严格服从命令,配合各项工作的进行,我懂得了义和情,懂得了爱和恨。这段经历是诗,是歌,是一杯醇香的美酒,是一段缠绵的思恋,是一次光荣的旅行,是一种刻骨铬心的记忆.
做一个优秀学兵,绘出壮丽的色彩。当我踏上这片土地,就决心用赤诚的汗水和热血,用风华正茂的青春,书写这刻苦铭心的历程。我们吃苦耐劳,为保护国家而奋斗!这种人生难得的磨练,正是我们成长所必不可少的 。

Makes outstanding enlisted soldier the time like shuttle, arrived at the base in a moment already eight months. In human's life will have many experiences, or smooth smooth; Either can develop one's ability to the full, either mediocre inactivity; In this multicolored world, each people have the history which one are worth treasuring. For me, these month-long base study, is my Nepal foot precious wealth. the enlisted soldier's experience has disciplined my will, although it is difficult, but it becomes on my life road's upholstery, is my life the pride, it in I superficial will sway time reminds I once had experienced that section of reality, the sincere years, in the life then had has been able not help deep and the courage. Had these month-long experiences, I had have approached things philosphically magnanimous, had neither arrogant nor servile, had the festival happily sadly. But this kind of noble psychological personal character, causes my self-respect self-res