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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 04:47:28
1. 商业价值原则Commercial value principle

电影是一门艺术,就制片商的目的来看,他们不仅是借助电影这一艺术形式达到丰富人们文化生活,促进人际间的交流,还要赚取利润,也就是它必须产生社会经济效益。换言之,它必须具有商业价值。当今社会,投资一部好的电影,与其票房也是相当可观的,影片的名字便成了重中之重,成为第一时间吸引了观众的眼球重要手段之一,刘宓庆(1999:49)指出,“既然原语所含的内容值得翻译(即有商业价值),那么就应以社会能接受的目的语来实现转换,而不应拘泥于原语的可读性程度”。影片的商业价值常在于片名对观众的吸引程度,片名的好坏直接关系到票房收入的高低。众所周知,观众水平参差不齐,他们对片名的理解也不尽相同,因此翻译片名时要考虑到大众对片名理解性是基本要求。如Sound of Music 在台湾曾被译为“仙乐飘飘何处闻”就令观众颇为不解。后该片被译为“音乐之声”,已被广泛接受。一些奥斯卡经典影片如Waterloo Bridge译为“魂断蓝桥”也已成为经典之作。

Informative value principle
这是最基本的原则。由以上的分类可看出,片名包含有丰富的信息内容。作为片名,虽然客观上要求简练、整洁,但一个字、一个词都包含有丰富的信息内容,使人一看便可猜出它属于哪类电影,主要讲什么故事情节。如Pulp Fiction(黑色追缉令);Meet the Parents(拜见岳父大人);American Beauty(美国丽人)Growing Pains(成长的烦恼)。A Rather English Marriage(鳏夫二重奏) 。再如,the Third Man 曾被译为“第三者”,给人的第一印象是爱情旋涡里的三角恋,而本片的第三者其实是指目睹一场凶杀的第三个目击者。原译名与实际内容相差极大。因此,译名所透露的信息能直接反映出电影的主要内容以及能否吸引观众观看的情绪。

3. 体现文化价值的原则。Cultural value principle ,

Film is an art, film producers on the purpose, they not only help the film art form to achieve a rich cultural life of the people and promoting interpersonal communication, but also make a profit, that is, it must have a social and economic benefits . In other words, it must have commercial value. In today's society, investment in a good movie,Its box office is also considerable, the film's name has become the top priority, the first time to attract the attention of the audience an important means of one of the Mi-Qing Liu (1999:49) pointed out that "Since the language contained in the original content Worthy of translation (that is, there is commercial value), then the community should be acceptable to achieve the target language conversion, and should not rigidly adhere to the primitive level of readability. "The commercial value of the film is often on the title to attract viewers, the film will have a direct bearing on the level of box office receipts. It is we