
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 05:04:24
求职意向:出 纳 姓名: (天津)
工 作 经 验:
◆ 2008年1月至今:

任职:出 纳 离职原因:公司破产! 期间工作表现:

◆ 2006年11月至2007年底:

任职:出 纳 离职原因:公司管理混乱!

其 它:
■ 专业知识:具有“会计从业资格证书”
■ 英 语:具备基本的英语听、说、读、写及会话能力;熟练掌握
■ 计 算 机:熟练掌握Windows操作系统及各办公软件
■ 2006年06月:获“助理物流师”证书
■ 2005-2006年度:辅修 “法学第二专业”

个 人 概 况:
出生年月:1985年9月 性 别:女
籍 贯:天津 民 族:汉族
学 历:重点大学本科 毕业时间:2007-7-1
毕业院校:西北农林科技大学(985工程、211工程重点)专 业:经济学
工作经验: 两年 政治面貌:中共党员

Intention job: cashier's name: (Tianjin)
Work experience:
◆ 2008 years 1 to date:

Office: the reasons for leaving the cashier: bankruptcy! During the performance:
(1) is responsible for cash, day-to-day management of the bank, issued daily statements on the funds, the bank acceptance bills of exchange summary, the capital, at the end of the bank in charge of reconciliation, issued statements on funds;
(2) management, in-progress contracts, the preparation of reports, updated daily, in a timely manner to the business, livelihood, to provide procurement receivables, payment plans and data;
(3) is responsible for monitoring shipments to ensure that Kuandaofahuo to protect the interests of the company;
(4) and the tax department in charge of co-ordination and communication. Including tax returns, purchase, by votes, ballots, documents submitted, and so on;
(5) completed in 2008, as well as industrial and commercial inspection wor