
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 23:20:33
steve wrote historical novels. Not ,he was quick to explain,overcolorful love stories of the kind that made so much money for so many women writers, but novel set, and correctly set ,in historicak periods.


汗死,我是原来的二楼,修改后掉下去啦. (补入对五楼40429324 的回答)


steve写历史小说. 他很快补充道, 很多女作家撰写一些过分华丽夸张的爱情小说,并且大赚特赚,但是他写的不是那种小说,而是以历史,并且是非常准确的历史,为舞台而设定展开的小说.

如: The novel is set in 19th-century England.

具体说是not the overcolorful stories...but novel (which was) set, and (which was) correctly set, in... 这里的set是动词的过去分词.

TO 五楼的40429324:

欢迎商榷^^ 不过我还是坚持认为 set 是过去分词.

如: set the stage 为舞台布景
The story is set in the early days of World War II.这故事是以二战初期为背景的. (引自《新英汉词典》)
那么这里原句里说的“小说以各种历史时期为背景”,应该是被动态: his novel was set, and was correctly set, in historical periods.

第二,从句子结构上看,not A but B 是个并列结构,也就是说,如果A是个名词性的词组/从句, B也必然是个名词性的词组/从句,而不可能是个独立的句子。
A = overcolorful love stories of the kind that made so much money for so many women wr