
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:35:59
制造商或销售商生产或推销某一产品时,都有比较明确的消费层次和销售对象。商标名一般是根据商品的市场定位与特定消费群体确定,因此,商标词译名的发音和用字应尽可能与商品的市场定位及其所面向的消费群体相结合。好的商标译名,对消费者产生的心理影响尽管是无形的,但却是极其深远巨大的。如:以“美”命名的品牌“婷美”、“美而暖”、“佰奇美”、“美特斯.邦威”、“伊美华”(EVABELLA),“爱尔美”(Almay),“美能达”(Minolta)以及“黑妹”、“富安娜”、“娇爽”、“佐丹奴”、“莲娜丽姿”“迪安娜”(Dyane),“思安妮”(SUNLEE),“莎莲奴”(SHARING),“好媳妇”(HOW HIS)等含有“女”字的国内外品牌一直受到人们的青睐,也是因为女性的形体特征具有曲线美,完善的心灵可以寄寓在健美的身体里,特别符合女性的审美心理。而Rowenta(好运达)电器,Vantage(华帝)燃具,Jamo(尊宝)音响,ONKYO(安桥)音箱等译名是为了符合电器用户希望安全、幸福的心理,再如Spporo(三宝乐)啤酒,Goldlion(金利来)领带,Ports(宝姿)服装,L&D(利达)皮具,Lukfook(六福)珠宝首饰,Petpe(宝宝)婴儿尿布等

The manufacturer or seller of production or marketing of a product, there are relatively clear and level of consumer products. General trade mark is based on the commodities market position and to identify specific consumer groups, trade mark and the pronunciation of words have been translated into words as far as possible with the commodities market position and the consumer-oriented groups to combine. Good translation of a trademark, consumers have a psychological impact even though it is intangible, but it is very significant and far-reaching. Such as: "the United States" brand name "Ting Mei", "warm and the United States" and "Chi Mei Bai", "the United States and Corrientes. Bangwei", "Iraq the United States and China" (EVABELLA), "the United States and Ireland" (Almay ), "Minolta" (Minolta), as well as "black sister" and "Anna Fu" and "Shuang Jiao", "Giordano"