
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 05:56:44
加拿大人都很有礼貌而且他们的生活节奏很慢,心态也很平和,总体来说还是很热情的。在那里非常适合生活,也是很适合读书,加拿大也是个多民族的国家,有英裔、法裔、印第安人、爱斯基摩人、华人和少量欧美及亚洲各国移民。这些民族都具有自己的传统习惯和风俗,在婚礼上也表现如此,从而使加拿大成为一个有着多姿多彩婚礼习俗的国家。canada是一个充满魅力和机遇,且具有多元文化色彩的国度。富饶的土地,秀丽的风光,良好的治安,热情友善的人民,发达的工商业,高品质的生活和完善的福利体制等,这一切都成了加拿大的代名词。多年来,这个旨在吸收高素质人才的传统移民国家更以其高质量的教育传统而享誉全球,每年吸引众多海外学子前来求学和深造..而且各民族皆能自由发展,极少种族歧视。加拿大是一个有著许多不同文化的土地。这主要是因为加拿大是许多不同民族的人组成。加拿大也被称为 “ 移民的国家 ” ,因为除原居民外,所有人都是外来移民。政府鼓励多元文化的并存和发展。这就是我所学到的有关他们的资料..

INTERNATIONAL FORUM in contact with this former school. . .

I have the impression that Canada which very few countries. . I thought. . The teacher wants us to do this country. .

The one time I do not know how to do. . But when I come into contact with after. . Had come to realize that this country is very beautiful. . In this FORUM, I learned about the country's geographical, historical background, and so on. . .

Canadians are very polite and they are very slow pace of life, state of mind is very peaceful on the whole still very enthusiastic. There are very suitable for life, is also very suitable for reading, Canada is a multi-ethnic country, British, French, Indians, Eskimos, Chinese and a small number of countries in Asia and Europe and the United States immigration. These have their own national traditions and customs and habits, but also in the wedding so, so that Canada has become a colorful wedding customs. canada is full of charm an