
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 19:11:38
Hello !

You recently applied to GE via our career website and answered “yes” to specific questions relating to current/former employment within the United States government.

Many governments, including those in the U.S., regulate certain activities between current and former government employees and employers, such as GE. These regulations are designed to avoid conflicts of interest, and non-compliance can result in serious penalties. GE greatly values relevant government experience, but to protect you and GE, we are requesting you to answer some additional questions about you and/or your household members' current or former government service. Please read and answer them carefully.

Please note: We will not be able to contact you until this important step is done. If you think you have received this request in error, you must still complete the following process to ensure your initial resume submission goes through – simply answer “No” to the on

你最近通过我们的招聘网站申请了GE的相关职位, 并同意接受关于现任或前任美国政府职员的具体问题.

包括美国在内的一些政府对他的前任或现任政府职员同一些公司譬如说GE之间的雇佣关系做出了一些规定,这些规定是为了避免利益冲突以及由此引发的严重后果.GE非常欢迎各位有政府工作经验的应聘者,但是为了保护您以及GE的利益,请允许我们向您了解一些有关于您以及您家人在政府工作的情况, 请仔细阅读并回答.

请注意,在您回答完这些重要问题以前,我们无法再跟您进行联络, 如果您认为这封邮件发错了, 那么请停止回答下面的问题, 并到招聘网站上,在提交简历的页面,选择不接受在线提问.


第一步: 点击下列链接,打开问题表格, 回答所有问题, 系统不允许将表格另存为或是只回答部分提问.所以请一次性回答完所有提问.(如果链接打不开, 请关闭上网助手或其他类似软件再试).

点击表格内你名字那一栏下标有"关键词&解释帮助"的链接, 可以打开一个涵盖问题,关键词以及解释的帮助文件.这个文件将在你填写表格时为您答疑解惑.在提交回答以前, 请先花点时间回顾你的答案确保其完整,准确.

当您完整的回答了所有问题并对所有答案赶到满意之后, 请点击表格底部的存贮,您的答案连同您之前提交的简历将一并入库.

如果我们认为您适合我们某个职位, 我们人力资源部的代表将与您取得联系并商讨进一步的事宜.


GE 人力资源部