
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:32:40

When learning, I think the most important role for university students is to have follow the subject curriculum well. But for me, studying fashion design, just having a good understanding of the book work is far from enough. So during after-school hours, I regularly learn the latest trends and other knowledges to help myself. During today's fast developing times, the only way to not fall behind is to learn the new knowledges.

In life, I give well respects to my teachers and others, my school-mates are like siblings, we work hard together, and we entertain together, help each other and get along well. Group living made me understand how to understand others and care for others, it also made me stronger and more independent. I think one should take responsibility of their own problems, others can give you suggestions at the most. When one encounter things they should think calmly, never get frustrated.

本人在国外,保证100%地道 =]
