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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 06:20:28

关键词:保险诈骗罪 客观方面 立法缺陷

From the perspective of qualitative and quantitative point of view, the relationship between the insurance contract with the point of view, insurance fraud objective with regard to the following four characteristics: First, insurance fraud crimes, so as to the basis for the relationship between the insurance contract; II, insurance fraud crimes Possible in all aspects of the insurance business; three insurance fraud criminal fraud and diversity; four, the amount of insurance fraud is a criminal offense. Insurance fraud on the objective characteristics of understanding, and help us determine the correct understanding of insurance fraud patterns in many forms,万变不离其宗.

  "Criminal Law" Section 198 of insurance fraud in the form of an objective performance-cited provisions of the article in close connection with the law, to take the classification method were compared to the five acts were carried out analysis of the way. On the fictitious insurance should be the sub