
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 22:27:27

一,领导者负责指导群体的工作,促进群体生存并实现目标。“集结号不响,就不能撤”、“老子没听到集结号,老子就是不撤!”面对生死抉择,谷子地的几句震 撼人心。二,保证群体成员工作的协调,旧窑洞战斗之前,谷子地向团长刘文泽重复命令:“明日十二点之前守住旧窑洞,集结号不响,不管几点都不能撤!”
从谷子地身上我们看到优秀的管理者如此应对逆境:1、不抱怨,不牢骚;2、团结一切可以团结的力量、利用一切可以利用的资源;3、审时度势,冷静分析 4、破釜沉舟,置之死地而后生。

A leader has the responsibility to direct a team work, to survive the team and achieve the goals. "The assembly horn doesn't ring. Don’t withdrawal", “I didn’t hear the retire, I will not withdrawal”. Facing the choice of life and death, the Guzidi’s sentences shocked our hearts.
To co-ordinate the team member’s working. Before the Old Cave’s Battle, Guzidi iterate the order to Colonel Liuwenzhe “Before tomorrow 12am, Guard the Old Cave, the assembly horn is not rung, we wouldn’t withdrawal whenever. ”
For Guzidi, we can see a excellent manager facing an adversity should: 1 not complain and grumble. 2 hold all the powers can be hold together, use all the resources can be used. 3 consider the situation, analysis calmly. 4, burn the boat, put the troop in death then alive.