
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 21:07:12
作者: 指导老师:
摘要:随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网站的建设也迅速的加快,网站是一种通讯工具,就像布告栏一样,人们可以通过网站来发布自己想要公开的信息,或者利用网站来提供相关的网络服务。人们可以通过网页浏览器来访问网站,获取自己需要的资讯或者享受网络服务。使得,现在网站制作的工具也层出不穷,流行的图形图像处理软件,如Photoshop,CorelDRAW等都有完善的网页制作功能。还有常用的网页制作工具如FrontPage, HotDog,网页制作” 三剑客”:Dreamweaver,Flash,Firewords,这三个软件相辅相成。本文主要论述了网站建设的发展,和网站设计的思路及方法。如何利用Dreamweaver,fireworks,Flash等软件设计网站页面及ASP .PHP等语言进行对网页和网站的建设,使得对网站的设计过程有了初步的认识和了解。


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Abstract: Along with networking's rapid development, website construction also rapid quickening, the website is one kind of communication facilities, looks like the bulletin board to be the same, the people may through the website issue that they want the public information, or provides the related network service using the website. The people may visit the website through the homepage browser, gains oneself need information or enjoys the network service. Causes, now the website manufacture's tool also emerges one after another incessantly, the popular graph imagery processing software, like Photoshop, CorelDRAW and so on has the consummation homepage manufacture function. Also the persevering uses the homepage manufactures tool like FrontPage, HotDog, the homepage manufacture” three swordsmen”: Dreamweaver, Flash, Firewords, these three softwares complement one another. This article mainly elabo