
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 00:11:40
The developed VI is used to acquire the data for the ANN training phase and to show the calculated temperature in the operation phase. Fig. 2 shows the front panel of the VI. The main features associated with this instrument are: flexibility to select thermocouple types, display of the measured temperature and corresponding output voltage from conditioning circuit for collection of data in the calibrating phase and actual temperature with cold junction compensation in the operation phase. The system is controlled by the software written in both operation and calibration phases.
ANNs are biologically inspired programs designed to simulate the way in which the human brain processes information. They are trained and learned through experience not programming. An ANN is formed by interconnections of simple processing elements, or neurons with adjustable weights, which constitute the neural structure and are organized in layers. Each artificial neuron has weighted inputs, summation and

发达国家六是用来获取数据的人工神经网络的训练阶段,并显示出计算温度在运作阶段。图。 2显示了前面板的六。的主要特点与此相关的文书是:可以灵活地选择热电偶的类型,显示测量温度和相应的输出电压调节电路的收集数据的校准阶段和实际温度的冷端补偿中的运作阶段。该系统是由软件编写的这两个行动和校准阶段。
工神经网络是生物启发设计的程序,以模拟的方式,人类大脑处理信息。他们是受过训练的经验和教训,通过不编程。神经网络是由互连的简单处理单元,或神经元可调重量,构成了神经结构和组织的层次。每个人工神经已经加权投入,总结和激活功能和输出。行为的人工神经网络的整体取决于行动明显的人工神经元,学习规则和结构的网络。在培训(学习) ,在神经元之间的权重是按照一定的标准(均方误差的目标之间的输出和测量值的所有训练集低于预定的阈值) ,或允许的最大数量是达到时代。虽然训练是一个费时的过程,这是可以做到的事前,离线。神经网络的训练,然后进行测试使用的数据以前看不到的训练中。
MLPs是最简单和最常用的神经网络结构[ 19 ] 。它们包括输入,输出以及一个或多个隐层与一个预定义的一些神经细胞。神经元的输入层只充当缓冲器,可用于分配的输入信号十一中的神经元隐层。每个神经元j隐层中总结了它的输入信号喜后,加权他们的长处,各自连接wji从输入层和计算其输出鹰击作为一个函数f的总和,即