
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 01:34:24
他还是生平第一次耳闻一位少女这样表白自己,这样的表白除了证明自己举止轻浮之外还能说明什么呢?”震惊中他尚能意识到DM来自何处:觉“得由于自己常年居住日内瓦而丢掉了不少美国的风格……的确,自从长大成人,初悟世事以来,他还从未与这样典型的美国女郎打过交道。说真的,她是那么迷人,可又那么轻浮!……在他看来, DM是那么天真无瑕……”,可怜的Wb在与Dm的第一次会面的短短几个小时内,两种不同文化给他带来的惊诧已使他丧失了直觉和推理能力。

It is the first time for him to hear such an outright expression from a young lady; what does it mean other than that she being a flighty person? So shocked as he is; he realized where Daisy is from, and he felt that he has lost some American style since he has lived in Geneva for many years. Indeed, ever since he grew up and began to know the real world, he has never dealt with such a typical American girl. Honestly speaking, she is so charming, but also so frivolous! In his view, Daisy is so innocent and naive. Poor Winterbourne has lost his intuition and reasoning capabilities in the first few hour short meeting with Daisy, due to the clashes of two different cultures.

It is the first time for him to hear a girl expressing herself in such a way.What else can this behavior suggest except levity?He still found the reason for this feeling although shocked that His American style has faded away because of his long living in Genewa......Indeed,He never dealt with such a typical