
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 07:50:02
After the great war of 1870–71 the House of Habsburg set to work with all its determination to exterminate the dangerous German element – about whose inner feelings and attitude there could be no doubt – slowly but deliberately. I use the word exterminate, because that alone expresses what must have been the final result of the Slavophile policy. Then it was that the fire of rebellion blazed up among the people whose extermination had been decreed. That fire was such as had never been witnessed in modern German history.

在1870-71年的大战之后,哈普斯堡皇室果断地启动了消灭日尔曼危险分子的行动-对于他们的内心的感情和看法这是毫不犹疑的-缓慢地但慎重地(采取行动). 我使用了消灭这个词,因为亲斯拉夫人的警察所必须得到最终结果,这是唯一能表达的形式。接着,在这个被判处要被消灭的人民中暴发起反抗的烈火。这样的烈火从来没有在日耳曼的现代史中得到见证。
