
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 05:48:53
我收到了工厂的样品,经过对比,我看不出什么大问题,就是工厂的样品颜色稍微深一些, 要不要我寄回去一部分给你看看?或者扫描给你看看?

We received the plant sample, after comparison, we did not find big problem. The only thing is that the plant sample is a bit deeper in color, do I need to ship some to you for checking? Or scan and send to you electronically?

I have received sample from factory.I can not see any big problem after comparation.Just color of sample from factory is darker. Can I
send some sample to you for your reference ? or I scan it to you for your reference.