
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 04:54:20
1 ××位于素有黄金水道之称的长江中下游,东北与泰州、扬州隔江相望,西南与镇江、常州一衣带水(就是介绍一下方位)
2 ××是长江中的一个岛市,为江中沙洲,由泥沙堆积而成,它四面环江,因位于扬子江中而得名,有江中明珠(珍珠)的美誉 。(意思对就行)
3 ××素有“鱼米之乡”的美誉,“长江三鲜”,味美绝伦,蜚声四海,吸引着无数中外佳朋。遗憾的是,××已经灭绝,唯一幸存的河豚有剧毒,但其十分味美,品尝它的人仍络绎不绝,我们家乡每年都会举办“河豚节”,吸引很多人前来,当然,也欢迎你的到来。
4 站在××楼,可以俯瞰长江,江堤芦苇随风飘荡,船只往来(有船在江面开),尤其傍晚,夕阳下的(金色的长江)是一幅很美的画卷(很美的场景

5 汽笛声时常伴我入眠
6 由××研制的巨笛,创吉尼斯纪录,并获中国文化部科技三等奖。1998年元宵节应中共中央办公厅邀请,参加了元宵晚会,党和国家领导人观看了演出,并受到江泽民总书记的高度赞赏(大致意思对就行)
7 博物馆内油灯有多种多样,体现了深厚的文化,历史底蕴
8 ××是当地的特产,当地人对秧草怀着特殊的感情,在那些艰难的岁月里,秧草是”救命草”,救活了很多饥饿的家乡人

1 × × is located at the middle and lower reaches of the ChangjiangRiver which is well know as the "golden waterway" . Taizhou and Yangzhou are just across the River in the northeast. Zhenjiang and Changzhou are also alongside the narrow strip of water in the southwest .
2 × × is an island city in the Changjiang River,which is surrounded by the River,formed by sediment accumulation . It is named after its location in the Yangtze River. It has a beautiful reputation called "Pearl River".
3 × × has been called the "land of rice and fish" for a long time. The "three specialty in Yangtze River" are absolutely delicious as they are well known all over the world and attract numerous foreign good friends. Unfortunately, × × already extinct, the only surviving globefish have highly toxic, but it's so delicious that the people come to taste it have to form a line."Globefish Festival" is hold in our homeland every year . It alw