
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 10:47:56

When searching for studying abroad,I feel Britain is the traditionally strong country in education,the XX speciality(专业) of the commercial college in XX university is the long-history and rather famous one.

In the process of looking for studying,I feel that England is a traditional education strong coutry.XX University Business School,XX Professional also has a long story and famous,Quite well-known.

When I was looking for studying abroad, I felt that England are strong traditional education, XX University Business School and XXXX profession has a long history and great reputation.

When searching for a palce for studying abroad,I find that England is the traditional country with great power of education.While at the same time,the XXXX in Business College of XX University whose history is so long also very famouse.

when considering pursuing my studies abroad,i feel like that the UK is a traditional education power,the XXXX major of XX univ