急求帮忙翻译英文成邮件 在线等~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:48:00
我于本月的10日在系统里提交了数据转移的申请 当时系统显示我的申请已经成功提交到管理员 由于第二周没有收到回复而我们比较急的等待新的数据 所以2/20我又通过系统再次提交了一遍关于数据转移的申请 但到今天为止还是没有收到来自管理员的回复 我想询问我的申请是不是达到了管理员处 能否告知什么时候能够得到新的数据 我们已经把新的光盘寄给了客户 免费使用的时间期限已经过了 客户已经催我们要数据了 请帮忙处理这个事情 紧急 谢谢

我是第一个答你的哦。 你一定要给分我!!

I have applied for the transfer the data on 10th of this month. The system indicated clearly that the application had been successfully and the coordiantor was notified about this. We didn't receive any replies on the following monday. we applied once more on 20th February as the data is badly in need. However, no replied have been received even up to this very moment. I want to know if the coordinator was notified about our applications? Also, when can we get the new data needed ? We have alreay mailed the new disc to the client. And the tiral period has expired. And the client is urging us for datas. Please pay immediate attention to this matter, as it is kind of emergency. Thanks for attention.