
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 20:06:07
To arrive at an approximate failure criterion for a pressurized pipe with a through-thickness axial flaw, the development outlined above proceeds as follows. By assuming a fully ductile material and making d/N in the previous strip-yield model, Kiefner et al. [5] proposed a simpler form of Eq. (3) given by MTsh sref (6) with the material’s yield stress, sys, replaced by a reference stress, sref, which is most often adopted as the (engineering) ultimate tensile stress, su, or the flow stress, sf esu t sysT=2. Moreover, in the limit when the defect length 2c/0, parameter MT/1 so that Eq. (6) reduces to the standard failure criterion for an uncracked pipe.
To provide a simpler extension of the failure stress criterion applicable to a pressurized pipe with a surface crack (see Fig. 1(c)), the bulging factor MT appearing in Eq. (6) is replaced by factor MS which is defined by Kiefner et al. [5] as thereby yielding MSsh sref : (8) The failure stress criterion for a pressurized pip

To arrive at an approximate failure criterion for a pressurized pipe with a through-thickness axial flaw, the development outlined above proceeds as follows. By assuming a fully ductile material and making d/N in the previous strip-yield model, Kiefner et al. [5] proposed a simpler form of Eq. (3) given by MTsh sref (6) with the material’s yield stress, sys, replaced by a reference stress, sref, which is most often adopted as the (engineering) ultimate tensile stress, su, or the flow stress, sf esu t sysT=2. Moreover, in the limit when the defect length 2c/0, parameter MT/1 so that Eq. (6) reduces to the standard failure criterion for an uncracked pipe.
To provide a simpler extension of the failure stress criterion applicable to a pressurized pipe with a surface crack (see Fig. 1(c)), the bulging factor MT appearing in Eq. (6) is replaced by factor MS which is defined by Kiefner et al. [5] as thereby yielding MSsh sref : (8) The failure stress criterion for a pressurized pipe