
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:34:54
7-6. Design Needs
Low-flow lock operation is an overall project concern that places site-specific conditions on hydraulic design. Such factors as operational procedures, canal surges and approach conditions, valve siting, etc.,designed for normal conditions may not be suited for low flows.

7-7. Concerns
Hydraulic concerns during dewatering include the following:
a. Bulkhead locations.
b. Pumping facilities.
c. Outflow conditions.

7-8. Coordination
Dewatering exerts an extreme static loading on structural elements and requires specific considerations during lock structural detail design (see EM 1110-2-2703 and EM 1110-2-2602). Structures used for emergency closure are normally suitable for dewatering (item B5).

7-9. General Emergency Situations
Emergency situations occur at navigation locks when a lock gate becomes inoperative in an open or partially open position while a head differential exists between the chamber and

7-6. 设计需要
Low-flow锁操作是那整体项目的关心在水力设计的地方站点具体条件。 这样因素象运作程序、运河浪涌和方法情况、阀门选址等等,设计为正常情况不可以适用与低流程。

7-7. 关心 在脱水期间的Hydraulic关心包括以下:

7-8. 协调
Dewatering施加在结构元素的极端静态装货并且要求具体考虑在锁结构详细设计期间(参见EM 1110-2-2703和EM 1110-2-2602)。 用于紧急关闭的结构通常适用于脱水(项目B5)。

7-9. 一般紧急情况
Emergency情况发生在航海锁,当上锁的门变得不起作用在一个开放或部分地打开位置时,当一个顶头差别存在房间和上部或更低的水池之间时。 虽然起因也许是机械故障,更加频繁的起因是拿着门部分地开放的航海错误。 虽然紧急关闭的普遍地被接受的定义不存在,必需的行动通常被了解是在顶头差别之下的流动的水必须迅速地安置关闭结构。