
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 08:51:39
目的 编制一个软件,能够对图象进行图象处理,实现图象格式的转化,转化后的图象格式更加节省存储空间和资源,便于图象的存储和传输。 方法 在图象压缩技术的基础上,进行编程,把图象数据存储是用一个数据来写入,实现彩色图象向黑白图象的转化。 结果 转化后的图象是黑白图象,是当三基色R=G=B时组成的图象 结论 转化后的图象格式比原图象更加节省空间,大约占原图象大小的三分之一,从而达到编制软件的目的
关键词:图像处理、 图像压缩、 三基色、医学图像


Aim: Designing a software which is capable of processing pictures and transforming their formats and condensing them. Being condensed,the pictures can be stored with fewer space and can be more effeciently transferred.
Method:Programming on the technology of condensing of pictures.Store the picture via data and convert it from colorful one to monochrome and vice versa.
Result: The converted picture is a monochrome.When the values of the three fundamental colors are of the same ,namely,R(Red)=G(Green)=B(Blue),the picture is no more colorful.
Conclusion:The converted picture's storing size will be reduced to 1/3 of its previous size.
Keywords:picture processing,picture condensing,the three fundamental colors,medical image

图象格式Image format
图象格式的转化Image format transformation
图象处理Image Processing
存储空间 space即可!
图象压缩技术Image Compression Technologies (ICT)
彩色图象color image
黑白图象Monochrome image