旅游翻译 急用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/03 04:07:34
1. 大圩古镇,建于明代,至今已有500余年的历史。大圩古镇是广西四大圩镇之一。

2. 科举时代曾因盛产状元才子而名震全国的风水宝地,现院内已按旧制恢复号舍,建成全国大型仿真模拟科举考场,供游人参观娱乐。
3. 如星似萤的渔火,形成了两江四湖独特的风景,极富古风民情。
4. 芦笙是中国苗、侗族等少数民族在祭奉祖先或喜庆丰收时用来吹奏的一种吹管乐器,由芦笙竹管和一根吹起管装在木质的座子上制成,高者两丈,小者尺许。
5. 桂林云燕奇石馆“石 (实) 心石(实)意”的恭候你的光临,愿您在此品出“不随人仰俯,不随俗沉浮”的石头个性。
6. 春天,满山遍野的杜鹃花,将层层峦嶂的尧山打扮的姹紫嫣红;夏天,满山松竹,阵阵碧涛,郁郁葱葱;秋天,枫红柏紫,黄花遍野,处处飘香;冬天,雪花纷飞,冰花玉树,银装素裹,分外妖娆。
7. 位于永嘉县境内的楠溪江,被誉为“中国山水画摇篮”。2002年被国家旅游局评为国家4A级旅游区。景区面积达600多平方公里,楠溪江干流全长145公里,江流蜿蜒曲折,两岸绿林葱郁,呈典型河谷地貌景观。融天然山水、田园风光、人文景观于一体,以“水秀、岩奇、瀑多、村古、滩林美”的独有特色而闻名。风景区沿江分布,有台湾水青冈、银杏、华西枫杨等多种国家重点保护珍贵树种。大若岩山麓江滨村寨风貌独特,保存有宋代以来的亭台楼阁、庙观祠殿牌楼等古建筑。

1大圩town, on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, has been more than 500 years of history. Guangxi大圩town is one of the four圩镇.
2. Keju Wets times champion was rich and famous town of the country's poised, now the home was under the old system to restore its homes, and built large-scale simulation of the national civil service exam test for recreational visitors.
3. Such as the fishing boat lights firefly stars may have formed a unique Sihu Liangjiang scenery, very ancient people.
4. Lusheng is China's Miao, Dong and other ethnic minorities from their ancestors in the festival or celebration of the harvest used to play a wind instrument, and a bamboo tube from blowing Lusheng pipe mounted on the transposon's made of wood, high - From两丈,尺许smaller.
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