
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 22:13:04


[内容摘要] 白居易的名作《长恨歌》为历代所传诵。关于这篇诗歌的主题,一般有讽喻说、爱情说、双重主题说几种。本文对传统的几种说法做了简要概括,并分析了其中存在的一些问题,然后阐述了作者的观点,吸取这些说法中“感伤”的成分,但对所感伤的内容重新做了界定:《长恨歌》所恨的,是杨贵妃对“红颜薄命”的感伤和唐玄宗对“江山”与“美人”难以两全的无奈。
[关键词] 长恨歌;主题;感伤;红颜薄命

[Contents summary]《cold night 》BE Ba Jin in 1947 creations of a novel is Ba Jin novel creations another high peak on the history, the novel write through personality tragedy and family tragedy society the tragedy in ages, sue dark society system demolish the person's crime.In 《 the cold night 》 , most worthy of value of is Ba Jin to mold of three leading figure image:Wang's propaganda through literature;Once the tree living;Wang Mu3.They respectively the personality of dissimilarity is abundant novel complications of content.Expression the author's society ideal and life viewpoint, describe complications antinomy of life and human nature.Three leading figure of Wang Jia is all each to have each of"guard securely", but three people's life and destiny all can not help a thick heavy desolate color.
[Keyword]《cold night 》;Person image;Complexity


[Contents summary] the white reside easy of make 《long hate song 》is spread