
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 21:09:15
面对生命的永不放弃 在08年发生的5.12四川大地震,震动了人们的心。在这之中。我们看到更多的是人们对于生命的永不放弃,尤其是那些全国出动的武警官兵、军队已在废墟中挖掘出多少幸存者,各国到达中国的救援队,他们也不眠不休地在抢救着每一个可能出现的生命。当哀悼的钟声响彻中国,当泪水模糊了灾区和心系灾区人们的双眼,悲伤让我们痛彻心扉;悲伤,也让我们的心灵收获了从废墟中站出来、向前走的力量。我们收获的,是永不放弃的希望。
面对梦想的永不放弃 在奥运会的开幕式上,我们看到这样一个女孩:她坐在轮椅上,穿着粉色的芭蕾裙。当光柱投射到她身上时,她缓缓张开双臂,一双清澈的眼睛里流露出无限憧憬与陶醉。她用手臂代替足尖,轻点节奏、曼妙而舞。当“芭蕾王子”吕萌将她从轮椅上托起,举过肩头时,她蹬直了右脚。此时,人们看到一只孤独的红舞鞋顽强地“站立”在空中,这一刻,全世界为之动容。她乐观地人们说:“虽然地震夺去我的左腿,但是我永远不放弃芭蕾梦想。” “永远不放弃”,这个字眼深深打动了世界各地的观众。


Facing life never give up in 2008, the 5.12 sichuan earthquake happened on that shook the heart of people. In this. We see more people for life, especially those who never give out of the armed police and the army has excavated in the rubble, how many survivors reached China's rescue, they also sleepless in saving the life of every possible. When the bell ring mourning, as tears blurred the Chinese people's heart and disaster area, sadness, let our eyes enough trails, Sadness, also let us harvest the soul from the rubble and walk out of power. We harvest, never give up hope.
Facing the dream never give up in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, we saw a girl like this: she was sitting in her wheelchair, wearing pink skirt of ballet. When light onto her body, she slowly open your arms, a pair of clear eyes with endless longing. She stamped with arms instead of standing, lithe and graceful dance rhythms, instead. When the prince "LvMeng ballet" from her wh