
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 16:57:05

“世纪宝鼎”鼎座高0.5米,象征联合国成立50周年;鼎身高2.1米,象征即将来临的21世纪。鼎重1.5吨,三足双耳,腹略鼓,底浑圆,四周有商周纹饰,浮雕兽面,云纹填底。底座上饰56条龙,象征华夏的56个民族都是龙的传人。鼎内铸有铭文“铸赠世纪宝鼎,庆贺联合国五十华诞”。鼎座前为“世纪宝鼎”四个金文大字。鼎座后面书写“中华人民共和国赠 一九九五年十月”。
鼎在远古的时候,是中国先民使用的一种炊具,后来又发展成为一种礼器。中国成语中有“钟鸣鼎食”和“一言九鼎”之说,反映了鼎在中国古代社会生活中的独特地位。鼎作为一种重要礼器,象征着团结、统一和权威,是代表和平、发展、昌盛的吉祥物。 它代表了中国人民对联合国的美好祝愿!希望联合国能喜欢。

The UN, ladies and gentlemen.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, China will be presented giant bronze - "century as the UN reformaively birthday gift, hope you can accept it.
"The century reformaively" tripod 0.5 meters high, the 50th anniversary of the founding of UN, Tripod stands 2.1 meters, the symbol of the coming 21st century. Ding weighing about 1.5 tons, three ears, abdominal slightly drum, bottom zhucha, surrounded zhou jewelry grain, anaglyph, cloud filled the exercises. On the base of 56 of the dragon, symbol of China's 56 ethnic groups are descendants of the dragon. Within the tripod with inscriptions "cast baoding, celebrate with the United Nations' fifty. Ding front for ", "four big bronze reformaively century. Ding seat back to write "of the People's Republic of China with October 1995."
Ding in ancient times, Chinese ancestors is a cooker, then developed into a sa