
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 11:02:21

In recent years, the size of China's higher education in the continuing expansion of the tourism market of university students as a special consumer groups, and university students travel market as a tourism market segments, because of its implication that potential business opportunities, the growing concern from all circles of society. However, due to the development of the tourism market of university students there are some risks, making the development of the tourism market of university students has not made a major breakthrough. According to statistics, as of September 2006, China's college students has been a breakthrough in the 23 million people, so much a tourist consumer groups, the prospects are very broad. In this paper, the development of students through the feasibility analysis of the tourism market, tourism from the consumer market, college students and the status of the development and operation to proceed, for students to develop the tourism market problem