
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:07:43
摘要:以番茄和胡萝卜为主要原料制作混合蔬菜汁,采用正交实验确定最佳工艺条件。实验结果表明:当胡萝卜汁50%、番茄汁20%、纯净水30%、蔗糖10g/l00 mL、食盐2g/l00 mL、柠檬酸2g/l00 mL、复合稳定剂用量为0.2%、食盐0.3%、黄原胶:CMC-Na=1:1、均质时间18min、杀菌时间20min时可生产出色泽诱人、口感柔和、稳定性良好的混合饮料。

Abstract:Tomatoes and carrots as the raw material
to make a kind of mixed vegetables juice, use orthogonal experiment to determine the optimum process conditions. The experimental results show that: When carrot juice 50%, tomato juice 20%, pure water 30%, sugar 10g/l00 mL, salt 2g/l00 mL, citric acid 2g/l00 mL, one package stabilizer 0.2%, salt 0.3%, yellow Gum: CMC-Na = 1:1, homogeneous 18min, sterilization 20min,could produce attractive color, soft texture, stability and good mixed drinks

To make vegetable juice using tomatoed and carrots as the main raw material and to determine the best conditions needed using the orthogonal experiment method. The result shows the best product with beautiful colours, milky taste and strong stability can be made using the following materials and under the following conditions :
carrot juice 50%, tomato juice 20%, pure water 30%, sugar 10g/l00 mL, salt 2g/l00 mL, citric acid 2g/l00 mL,one package stabilizer 0.2%, salt 0.3%, yellow Gum: CMC-Na = 1:1,homogeneous process 18min, sterilization process 20min.

