
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 17:44:40
政府要积极推进扶贫工作,要给与农村无生产能力的人,比如孤寡老人 最低生活保障。


Our government should promote aid-the-poor work actively, to give the subsistence allowance to the people who are incapable for production in rural area, such as the elderly person of no family .

The government should also promote multi-channel employment for rural people, to encourage them to establish businesses of their own , and emphasize the finance to the rural area. For example: the rural credit cooperatives should grant preferential loans to the farmers and extending the repayment period.

The government must encouraging agricultural industrialization, develop high-tech agriculture, and support them with technique, finance and personnel.

In view of the underdevelopment of rural transportation and their less communication with the outside world, the government should to build roads to ensure the agricultural products could be transport to sale to the urban.

Finally, the govern