
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:50:34
As a result of the decision in 1994 to acquire a new battle tank –the Leopard 2 typy from Germany,it became apparent that the armoured vehicle launched bridge(AVLB) system existing at that time suffered from great deficiencies,lack of performance,and necessary carrying capacity.Opportunity purchases were made from Germany in the early 1990s of second-hand tanks from former East Germany army.These deals also contained the option of including a number of AVLB with the East Germany designation BLG 60 M2 (BLG=Brückenlegegerät).Positive trial results and strength tests on the bridge resulted in the decision to acquire a number of bridge of the AVLB system after reconditioning and modification.The purchase also included a large quantity of spares and tools.

由于决定在1994年获得一个新的主战坦克,豹 来自德国,很明显,一辆装甲车发射的桥梁( AVLB )系统现有在当时遭受了巨大的缺陷,缺乏性能和必要携带购买了由德国在1990年代初的二手坦克来自前东德army.交易还载有选择的,包括一些AVLB与东德指定球蛋白60平方米(比利时) 。积极试验结果和强度试验的桥梁导致决定收购了一些桥梁的AVLB系统修复.后购买还包括了大量的零件和工具

由于决定在1994年获得一个新的主战坦克,豹2 typy来自德国,很明显,一辆装甲车发射的桥梁( AVLB )系统现有在当时遭受了巨大的缺陷,缺乏性能和必要携带卡帕。机会暾性采购了由德国在1990年代初的二手坦克来自前东德河。这些交易还载有选择的,包括一些AVLB与东德指定球蛋白60平方米(比利时=布鲁肯明文伟大) 。实证试验结果和强度试验的桥梁导致决定收购了一些桥梁的AVLB系统后修复和调节检查。此次收购还包括了大量的零件和工具。