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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 11:00:46
本文采用文献查阅、数据分析以及调查研究等方法, 解读了家庭联产承包责任制出台的背景,全面介绍了家庭联产承包责任制的历史演进过程,旨在总结其取得的成功经验、遇到的问题以及现阶段面临的挑战,从而探索出一套更加适合我国现阶段农村实际的土地制度,以进一步坚持和完善农村土地承包制度使其最大限度地发挥潜能,为广大农民带来更多的实惠,最终促进我国社会主义和谐社会的发展,实现2020年全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标。

Reform and opening-up has gone through 30 years of glorious history of 30 years, our country has undergone enormous changes in China's rural areas the same earth-shaking changes have taken place. Three decades of reform and opening up, but also the Communist Party of China continue to push forward the rural land system in the three decades of innovation. China's reform started from the rural areas, rural reform and the largest institutional innovation is the establishment of business units to households for the household contract responsibility system in rural areas. Historical conditions at the time of the system innovation, a great mobilization of the broad masses of farmers enthusiasm greatly liberated the social productive forces in rural areas to promote the development of agriculture in our country.
Research on the rural land system is the study of economic problems in agriculture an important part of the field, on our part, it is directly related to agriculture,