
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 00:27:47
摘 要:医疗事故罪是我国1997年刑法新增的罪名。医疗事故罪的主体除卫生技术人员外,还应包括医疗机构中其他负有为保障公民的生命健康权益而必须实施某种特定行为的义务人员且必须具有相应执业资格的医务人员,主观方面表现为过失,侵犯的主要客体是就诊人员的生命健康权,客观方面实施了严重不负责任的行为,并造成了医疗事故的损害结果。在分析医疗事故罪的客观要件时,采用了相当因果关系说来判定医务人员严重不负责任的行为与就诊人死亡或身体健康严重受损的结果之间是否存在着因果关系。但是否把一罪定为医疗事故罪还应结合具体案例具体分析。



Abstract: Crime of medical malpractice is a new charge which was supplemented to the criminal law in 1997. Apart from health technical personnel, the crime subject of medical malpractice should contain medical staff who must implement a special behavior and have corresponding vocational qualification in order to guarantee life and health rights and interests of citizens in medical institutions. In the subjective aspect of crime, they manifest criminal negligence. The main violated object of crime is a clinic client, whose rights of life and health are impaired in the medical malpractice because of the implementation of a serious irresponsible act in the objective aspect. When objective essential conditions are being analyzed in the crime of medical malpractice, corresponding causality is adopted to decide whether there is a causal relationship between the serious irresponsible behaviour of medical staff and the death or severe harm to