
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 14:14:54
在国家“科教兴国”战略、“知识创新”工程大背景之下,全国高等教育步入了全面快速发展的阶段, 高等院校的规模、结构、功能、布局及其分布等方面都发生了不同程度的变化,这些变化的综合作用直接导致了现代大学城的产生与发展。大学城不仅能提升我国高等教育的功能,有效配置高等教育的资源,同时也是对大学制度创新的有益探索。大学城也逐步呈现出建设模式多样化、空间布局密集化、建设规模超大化的特点,但部分大学城在开发建设以及后期的发展运作中凸现出了种种问题,造成了理想与现实的脱节,针对这些问题,需积极的做出反思,探究其解决对策。本文主要介绍了大学城的特征及功能、分析了我国大学城的政府主导型、企业投资型、多元投资型三种模式,通过分析我国大学城目前的现状,积极反思造成大学城尴尬处境的政治经济原因,深层次探讨大学城建设中的误区,总结归纳出存在的问题,结合自己的认识,提出了今后大学城建设应该注意的一些问题。并基于前沿信息,分析了我国大学城建设的未来走向,提出了大学城规划建设的若干建议。最后以东方大学城为案例进行实证调查,分析其规划建设中存在的问题及相关对策。


Against the backdrop of China’s “Rejuvenating China by Science and Technology” strategy and “Knowledge Innovation” project, China’s higher education has embarked on a fast track of comprehensive development, and the scales, structures, functions, layouts and distributions of the higher education institutes have witnessed changes with various degrees, all of which contribute to the birth and development of the modern college towns. China’s college towns can not only improve the functions of the higher education, effectively distribute higher education resources, but can also constitute a meaningful exploration into the higher education’s system innovations. The college towns are gradually characterized with diversified construction styles, compacted space allocations and supersized construction scales, but some of the college towns have run into various problems during and after the construction period, which disjoints the ideals from the realities and calls for