
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 06:45:57
The Basics of Health Reform
With the new plan, Beijing is trying to reduce out-of-pocket health care expenses for its citizens, which have been rising for the past 30 years -- an aim that has generated praise. “The broad principles contained in the Chinese government's new health care reforms are in line with what the World Health Organization (WHO) is promoting,” noted WHO head Margaret Chan. “For example, the principle of having the poor [covered by] health policies."
Li Ling, a key advisor to the health reform plan from the China Center for Economic Research at Peking University, was similarly positive. “The health reform plan is creative and commendable,” Li told the media. “The plan has taken a step toward universal access to basic health care services for all Chinese citizens.”
The essence of the plan is its attempt to establish universal access to the already-existing Basic Health Care System by establishing a network of basic medical infrastructure in b

随着新的计划,北京正在试图减少自付医疗费用的公民,已上升为过去30年-一个目标,产生了好评。 “的大原则载于我国政府的新的医疗改革是符合世界卫生组织(世卫组织)正在推进, ”世卫组织负责人指出冯富珍。 “例如,
的原则,有穷人[覆盖]健康政策。 “
李玲的一个关键顾问保健改革计划从中国经济研究中心北大,也同样积极。 “保健改革计划的创造性和值得称道的, ”李告诉媒体。 “该计划已经采取了第一步普遍享有基本卫生保健服务为所有中国公民。 ”
ential药物清单。 “的基本卫生保健制度是一种机制,有助于解决需求未得到满足的基本保健服务在公众中, ”胡善联副主任中国卫生经济研究所卫生部说,在新闻发布会上。 “作为一个核心部分基本的医疗保健系统,政府将很快释放了国家基本药物清单,其中包括最常用的药品的诊所,和所有这些毒品将被偿还。 ”为了确保这些基本药物的可负担得起的和高品质,卫生改革计划规定了一系列政策,采购,分配和处方。