
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 14:26:40
我准备做两组,现代香薰炉的陶艺产品,共 8件,主要适合20——50岁之间的女性。更作为家庭装饰摆放。主要分为两组,一组以丁香花为题材利用丁香花的花瓣特点对称,做重复排列。色调为银色,银色作为现在家庭装饰是很流行的,可以在任何风格的家庭摆放,都会显得很协调。另一组利用不同种类的花卉用花藤把它们的造型特点表现出来。色调为土黄色,主要摆放空间为装饰古朴典雅的家庭。主要的利用材料是陶,陶瓷材料的成型,装饰方法多样,成本低,有利于香薰护理的大众化。

Essential Care swept the world, Ms. Evergo much favor. Shuxin it beauty, decompression and relaxation. Pure essential oils contain a number of phenol and more refined, can stimulate the body's autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, so that a stable, natural and exhilarating, increase vitality. Pure essential oils containing particulate water molecules in the air and hit each other will produce anion decomposition that can directly affect the activities of human cells, so that anxiety, insomnia, headache, dizziness and other diseases of civilization gradually improved and disappeared.
I am prepared to do two sets, vaporizer of modern ceramic art products, a total of 8, mainly for 20 - 50 years old women. More as a decorative display family. Mainly divided into two groups, one group to use as a theme lilac lilac petals characteristics of symmetry, so repeat the order. Tone for the silver, silver decoration as now the family is very popular, can be in any fa