
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 05:42:10
据杨高辉交待 他盯上了开大货车的梁平是他蓄谋已久的 24日晚 杨以去市郊区的一个仓库装货去合肥为名 将梁平骗至市郊区一僻静处 趁其不备 突然用铁锤猛击梁平的头 在梁死亡后从梁平身上抢走8000元现金300元港币以及一部松下新款拍照手机然后又将梁的尸体扔到附近一烂尾楼一楼的化粪池中灭迹 然后花了400元雇出租车去省城 又在省城汽车总站乘坐晚上11点的长途车 连夜逃往深圳

According to YangGaoHui confessed he watched the liangping is big open his deliberate on the 24th late Yang a warehouse to suburb of hefei will go under loading a favor to the suburbs of liangping cheat while it unprepared suddenly hammer head of liangping slam in after the death of the beam on 8,000 yuan snatched from liangping hk $300 yuan in cash and a new mobile phone and then again matsushita pictures will be thrown into bodies of beam near a lousy poop first-floor septic tank in their then spent $400 to hire a taxi in provincial and provincial bus station at 11pm on the coach rushed to shenzhen。

According to Gao Hui Yang confessed his eye on opening his truck Liangping premeditated Yang evening of the 24th to the outskirts of the city to a warehouse loaded Hefei's Liangping for a quiet suburban deceives to Department while it is not prepared by a sudden Liangping struck with a hammer the first death in the beam away from him 8,000 yuan Liangping 300 Hong Kong dollars