
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 22:43:41
1 供方必须按时按量交货,若有延误或者少装,按5倍赔偿给需方
2 供方要求延后交货期,需提前通知需方
3 供方与交货期限内不得突然违约(如:涨价 推迟交货期 拒绝生产”等行为)否则由此引发的一切责任由供方承当
4 随货所附的备品数量为千分之一

1 供方提供给需要的电池 不得有生锈漏液 外观不能有破损划痕等不良现象
2 验收方式按需方内控AQL标准验收
3.未经许可 供方不得将需方的订单委外加工或者生产
4 放电容量以样品为准,不得虚标容量

1 经需方判定的不良品可以全部退回,并按时补货,否则需方将作废品处理而不承担任何责任
2 供方应该在需方规定的时间内改善品质,补回退货
3 不良品退回处理由此产生的运费由供方承担

Delivery requirements:
1 must be on time for delivery by the amount, if the delay or less loaded, according to 5 times the compensation paid to demand-side
2 was asked to postpone the due date for the required advance notice of demand-side
3 for the side with the delivery period shall not be a sudden breach of contract (such as: refusal to increase the production of delayed delivery "and other acts) or else all the responsibility arising from方承for when
4 with the shipment of spare parts attached to the number of thousandths of

Quality requirements
1 provided for the battery to the needs of any appearance of rust can not be damaged leakage and other undesirable phenomena scratch
2 way on-demand to internal acceptance criteria for acceptance AQL
3. Unauthorized parties may not be available for demand-side processing of orders or production outsourcing
4 to sample the discharge capacity may not be marked virtual capacity