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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 23:09:32


外,公司自身的投资事务和复杂的法律事务,也都由CFO来管理。 上市是CFO全权负责

CFO负责财务、会计、投资、融资、投资关系和法律等事务.要保证公司在发展过程中拥有足够的现金,有足够的办公和生产经营空间,他们可以通过银行贷款,也可以在股市筹钱。此外,公司自身的投资事务和复杂的法律事务,也都由CFO来管理。 上市是CFO全权负责.

A CFO (Chief Financial Officer) oversees all company accounting practices, including accounting departments, preparing budgets, financial reports, tax and audit functions. Next, CFO oversees cash flow planning and ensure availability of funds as needed. Therefore, CFO has to work with banks and/or investment bankers to raise additional capital as required for expansion.

Besides, CFO also needs to ensure legal and regulatory compliance regarding all financial functions. A CFO is fully in charge of his company's share issue.