中译英 帮忙翻译文章。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 11:07:28
机器的不要来 。我想写信给奥巴马- -。~
别骂我。。 有想法是好的。~~~

亲爱的总统先生 您好
但我却很想表达对你的支持! 我十分喜欢你的那句 YES WE CAN。
在我遇到挫折的时候是您的这句话 让我重新振作!

总统先生 与您一样,我也十分热爱篮球,虽然我知道您很忙。
事情是这样的 我写了两封信给科比先生。但是他都没有回信。
我也知道今年10月份湖人队会做客白宫。如果不麻烦的话 请总统先生帮我转达我对科比先生的崇拜之情!

最后 我相信您会为美国 为世界带来改变的!

不要机器翻译!!!!! 再次重申!! 翻译的好 我追加20分。
加一句 祝您和您的家人身体健康 。

Distinguishable President Obama,
I'm a chinese girl at middle school.Maybe a useful and constructive suggestion is unlikely to be proposed by a young girl like me,but some support I expect to convey to you. Furthermore,your word " Yes,we can." arises on me a sense of appreciation especially and brace me up to vitality when suffered from frustration.
Mr. president, I'm longing for that my enthusiusm toward basketball,
not less able than you, may get your deepest understanding, even though you seem unable to take off from schedule for it.
The thing happened like this. The two letter I've mailed to Kobe Bryant haven't been responsed yet. I ingenuously hope Mr. president to tell me his right address. Also,as I know,the lakers is scheduled to sojourn the White House in Oct. Mr.president, Please help me to pass on my admiration to Mr. Bryant, if no trouble.
Finally,I adhere to that your contribution will change both America and the wor